Anti Drone Technology : Why it is Used and How it Works?

Drone technology or UAV (Unmanned Ariel Vehicle) has advanced greatly in recent years. Drones have been widely used in a variety of application scenarios due to their low cost and ease of usage, which could pose serious risks to both personal privacy and public safety. The methods they can be employed for terrorist operations are essentially endless because they can fly independently like separate aeroplanes. A reasonable level of security must be provided by anyone in control of a location that is essential  for the efficient operation of a state. Drone defense systems are required since they can be used to assault fortified sites.

anti drone technology india

It is vital to deploy anti-drone systems in sensitive locations for detecting, localizing, and defending against the invading drones in order to reduce these risks. Terrorists have already used drones to launch attacks against civilian and military targets around the world. The illegal drone threat can no longer be ignored and should be addressed with appropriate technology immediately. Government Military organization are working on Anti Drone Technology to stop the invading of Unauthorized Drones.


Hello Friends, As we know that now a days Drones are easily available in market and can be build easily by doing simple research on internet and watching Videos. Spares Parts to build drones are available easily in Online and Offline market. There is no strict Policy in India or World wide for the usage of this UAV. While drones can be used for good, there are a variety of nefarious uses of the technology that threaten both physical and national security. When not used for authorized purposes, it is easy to assume that the rogue UAV flying around is being used by a hobbyist or a young child playing with their new toy.

But that isn’t always the case, as people have found ways to use the technology for alternative—and sometimes malicious—purposes. Now a Days Terrorists and Militants are using this Drone to attack at Border Security, Government building, Public Areas, Commercial Ships and many more. Anti Drone System is required to Stop the Unauthorized Drone at Border area or Public Places and Strict Policies should be made to Fly this Drones within the cities. This Anti Drone system is also known as Counter Unmanned Aircraft System (CUAS).

What is a Drone?

A Drone is a small or medium-sized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that can fly without a human pilot. Drones can be controlled remotely or autonomously, and can maintain a controlled level of flight. Drones are powered and controlled by computer technology. Their flight path is either programmed by software or controlled by remote control. Drones use onboard sensors and a global positioning system (GPS) to fly autonomously.

Why Anti Drone Technology required?

Anti-drone systems is valuable tool for creating a secure and safe environment for all. Anti-drone systems can be used to protect critical infrastructure, sensitive locations, and other areas of high security. These systems are designed to detect, identify and mitigate unmanned aerial devices using sophisticated technologies such as RADAR. The RADAR system is capable of accurately detecting individual drones within a certain range, allowing for the system to track and classify the devices. This technology allows for real-time detection of drones, allowing secure locations to be protected from any potential threats. Furthermore, anti-drone systems can be quickly deployed in a variety of locations, providing security personnel with an added layer of protection.

How Anti Drone System Works?

The system would have directional ability to jam frequencies used for drone communication and would be capable of carrying out threat evaluation, target classification (nano/mini/micro drone, etc), target prioritization, engagement planning, generating fire control solutions. Anti-Drone System technology can help in 360-degree coverage of border areas to identify enemy drones. They can trace enemy drones for up to 3 km and attack with lasers to overthrow the drone up to 2.5 km. However, the kill range of a specific Anti-Drone System may differ depending on the wattage of the weapon.
Detection, Tracking and Identification
Radar :Detects the presence of small unmanned aircraft by their radar signature, which is generated when the aircraft encounters radio frequency pulses emitted by the detection element. These systems often employ algorithms to distinguish between drones and other small, low-flying objects, such as birds.
Radio-frequency (RF) : Detects, locates, and in some cases identifies nearby drones by scanning for the frequencies on which most drones are known to operate.
Electro-optical (EO) : Identifies and tracks drones based on their visual signature.
Infrared (IR) : Identifies and tracks drones based on their heat signature.
Acoustic : Detects drones by recognizing the unique sounds produced by their motors. Acoustic systems rely on a library of sounds produced by known drones, which are then matched to sounds detected in the operating environment.
Combined Sensors : Many systems integrate a variety of different sensor types in order to provide a more
robust detection, tracking, and identification capability.

Indian Government Activity on Anti Drone

This is significant as enemy drones have been a major concern for Army and Air Force establishments in the country and led to the procurement of anti-drone systems by these forces. The Navy has now also decided to buy such systems given that the threat from enemy drones exists on the sea as well as its various bases in the country.

Recent Government Activity

A fully-indigenous anti-drone system is set to be installed across the country’s western border in six months to block drones being used by elements in Pakistan to smuggle arms and narcotics into India, particularly Punjab.
A senior government functionary said trials of the anti-drone technology were going on, with three options being tested. “The anti-drone system to be put in place across the entire western border will either be one of the three systems or a combination of two or more technologies,” the functionary said.
On the eastern border, the functionary said the free movement regime (FMR) along the India-Myanmar border would soon be discontinued to arrest the influx of illegal migrants.


Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is focusing on developing the next-generation technology application and defence systems. “Anti-drone technology is the hot topic in the Indian defence market” according to DRDO. The organisation plans on exporting them to several countries in the near future.

anti drone system by drdo india

The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) first developed a counter-drone device to tackle enemy drones on border areas. Similarly, in 2023, Lt Col Sadanand Chauhan of the Indian Army Corps of Signals also build such a device.

Indian Navy

The Indian Navy has decided to spend Rs 490 crore to procure counter-drone systems for its warships like the INS Vikramaditya and Vikrant and the force’s bases ashore to combat threats from enemy drones of Pakistan, China, and terrorist outfits.

Private Organization

A Hyderabad-based robotics Company has revealed a  autonomous anti-drone system, powered by Artificial Intelligence. The system can protect not just vital installations like nuclear installations and oil rigs, but also a wide area encompassing even an entire city, from multiple drones of any kind. This is the first time such a system has been developed in India.

This advanced full-spectrum drone security system capability was demonstrated live on the outskirts of Hyderabad by Grene Robotics, a deep-tech company that specialises in providing AI-powered security solutions for defence, enterprise, and government sectors.

Named Indrajaal, it is said to be the world’s only wide-area Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS). It can provide a comprehensive and integrated security mechanism against moving threats that cannot be tackled with static defence systems.

“We will never forget the June 27, 2021 drone attack on the Jammu airport and the June 15 Galwan attack. At that time, we wondered what solution we had against drones and swarms. Today, Indrajaal has given us the answer and shown that it is possible.”

Drone Attacks in India & World Wide

More than ten countries have conducted drone strikes: the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia and the United Arab Emirates. But many other countries, including Saudi Arabia, India, and China, among others, maintain armed drones in their arsenals.

Recent Drone Attack on India

  • December 24, 2023: A chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean was hit by a drone launched from Iran, according to the US military. The fire on board the Chem Pluto was extinguished.
  • December 26, 2023: A drone strike damaged a merchant ship in the Indian Ocean off the coast of India, causing a fire on board.
  • December 26, 2023: Houthis said they carried out a drone attack on the Israeli port of Eilat.

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