top 10 ai tools for Students

Top 10 AI Tools for School and College Students 2024

AI tools are like super-smart computer programs that can learn and do clever things. Imagine having a really helpful friend inside your computer who can understand what you say, recognize pictures, and even make smart choices. These tools are like having a tech-savvy buddy that helps your computer do cool and useful stuff! Example, they …

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what is anti drone system, how it works, & india anti drone system

Anti Drone Technology : Why it is Used and How it Works?

Drone technology or UAV (Unmanned Ariel Vehicle) has advanced greatly in recent years. Drones have been widely used in a variety of application scenarios due to their low cost and ease of usage, which could pose serious risks to both personal privacy and public safety. The methods they can be employed for terrorist operations are …

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fire resistant battery, graphene battery, 18650 graphene battery, nanotech battery 18650

Nanotech latest 18650 Battery that doesn’t Catch Fire – For Gadgets & Electric Vehicles

An 18650 battery is a type of rechargeable lithium-ion battery known for its compact size and high energy capacity. It’s commonly used in devices like laptops, flashlights, and vaping devices due to its long-lasting performance and versatility. The name “18650” is derived from its dimensions: 18mm in diameter and 65.0mm in length. Nanotech latest 18650 …

Nanotech latest 18650 Battery that doesn’t Catch Fire – For Gadgets & Electric Vehicles Read More »

what is humane's ai pin and how does it works

What is Humane’s AI Pin, How it Works and What it does : Technology Explained

Now a days there is a Buzz word “AI, or Artificial Intelligence, it is like giving computers the ability to think and learn, somewhat similar to how humans do. Instead of being told what to do step by step, an AI can figure things out on its own, make decisions, and even improve itself over …

What is Humane’s AI Pin, How it Works and What it does : Technology Explained Read More »

how to start ewaste business in india, complete idea, guide and setup

How to Start Profitable E-Waste Recycling Business in India? – Guide, Setup and Ideas

E-waste, short for Electronic Waste, refers to old or discarded electronic devices like old phones, computers, TVs, and other gadgets. When people throw away these devices, they can harm the environment because they contain materials that are not good for nature, like metals and chemicals. Recycling e-waste is important to protect our planet. How to …

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Arduino manufacturing in India

Arduino Plans To Make In India to limit counterfeit sales and Meet Growing Demand

Arduino, the notable open-source microcontroller board startup, is thinking over laying out Manufacturing facility in India. The essential objective behind this essential move is to check the expansion of fake Boards and take special care of the prospering interest from India’s young populace. Main Objective Arduino is investigating the chance of assembling its boards in …

Arduino Plans To Make In India to limit counterfeit sales and Meet Growing Demand Read More »

Raspberry pi 5 - All you need to know

Raspberry Pi 5 – All you need to Know | Working and Technical Details

Introduction Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi is the name of a progression of single-board PCs made by the Raspberry Pi Establishment, a UK good cause that plans to teach individuals in registering and make more straightforward admittance to figuring training. The Raspberry Pi sent off in 2012, and there have been a few emphasess and varieties …

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What is Google Gemini ? – AI Tool for Developer and Enterprises

What is Google Gemini? It is a set of large language models (LLMs) that Google developed. It’s a Large Multimodal Model (LMM) that can answer questions about text, images, and audio. Gemini is intended to be Google’s “flagship AI,” powering many of its products and services. It was announced on December 6, 2023, and is positioned …

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what is a Development board

Everything You should know before Buying a Development Board

What is a Development Board? A Development Board is a hardware platform designed to assist engineers, hobbyists, and developers in creating and testing electronic projects. Also known as dev boards or prototyping boards, these devices provide a convenient environment for experimenting with microcontrollers, microprocessors, and other electronic components without the need to design a complete …

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develoment board

10 Best Microcontroller Development board for your DIY Projects

Searching a Suitable Microcontroller Development board for your DIY Project is a challenging task. You should know detailed requirements of your Projects such as such as I/O Pins, Protocols, ADC, Peripherals and Compatible Programming Language. These Requirements should match with the Development board that is available in the Market. In this Article, I will share …

10 Best Microcontroller Development board for your DIY Projects Read More »

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